Sunday, February 10, 2013

Latest hair styles

latest hair styles
Short hairstyles will be popular in the year 2011. A short haircut that suits your face and lifestyle can change the way you feel about yourself. It can boost your confidence and make you look younger. The short cut is manageable and looks great naturally too without even being styled. A good short hair cut includes all the essential elements. A lot of celebrities are opting for short hairstyles for the same reasons. Katie Holmes has carried her bob for years now.
Popular Hairstyles
  • Models
  • Hair styles for short hair

How to Make Your Hair Grow Faster

How to Make Your Hair Grow Faster

women beautiful hair

Long, healthy hair is a sign of beauty, vitality, and youth. Whether you’re anxious to get movie-star-caliber locks, combating problems with hair growth, or simply trying to put a catastrophic haircut behind you, there are a variety of natural and medicinal strategies you can use. The information below outlines steps you can take today to help your hair grow faster.

  1. Eat a balanced amount of protein every day. Protein is essential for healthy hair growth. Just make sure you eat the right amount.
  2. Be sure to eat adequate amounts of iron and zinc. Iron and zinc deficiencies can lead to poor hair health or even hair loss in addition to conditions such as anemia.
  3.  Don't cut fat out of your diet. Healthy fats are indispensable to hair growth. Without fat in your diet, your body cannot maintain healthy hair.
  4. Make sure you meet your recommended daily intake of Vitamin C. Having a Vitamin C deficiency can cause dry, dull, and weak hair that is prone to breakage.
  5.  Take B vitamins to avoid hair loss. Anecdotally, B vitamin supplements and topical applications have gained a significant following among those trying to speed up hair growth.
  6. Have realistic expectations about your dietary changes. What you eat will not affect the hair that has already grown, but it will affect new growth. Dietary effects on hair may take up to 6 months to be visible even though changing your diet may begin affecting the growth of hair in a much shorter time period.
  7. Maintain good general health and avoid stress. Eat well, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep to reduce general physical stress levels. Intense physical or emotional stress can cause hair growth to slow or shut down completely. In severe cases, stress can cause hair loss.
  8. Identify specific physical stressors. Certain physical stressors, such as excessive dietary supplementation or overuse of certain over-the-counter medications, physical trauma, and hyperactivity can stress the body to the point of shutting down hair production and growth.
  9. Learn how to effectively manage emotional stress. Emotionally stressful events, such as the loss of a loved one, a change in employment, feeling a lack of security, or worrying about not having a safe place to live, can all cause slowed or halted hair growth until the body is able to adjust. Removing emotional and psychological stressors can help give your body the environment it needs to produce healthy and rapid hair growth.
  10. Be patient. It may take several months to see visible slowing of hair growth or even hair loss because of extreme or chronic stress, but that doesn't mean that stress levels should be ignored. It generally takes many months to repair the damage that stress inflicts on your hair so the sooner you start reducing your stress levels and learning how to relax on a daily basis, the better chance you'll have of promoting faster hair growth.
  11.  Make sure your slow hair growth or hair loss is not caused by a medical problem. If you have a medical condition or prolonged illness, prescription medication, substance abuse disorder, eating disorder, genetic or family history, or other serious medical situation that may be causing slow hair growth or hair loss, consult a physician before beginning any hair growth regimens. In some cases, resolving an underlying medical condition can help hair growth return to normal or speed up
  12. Ask a physician or pharmacist if your medication may be the culprit. Birth control pills, heart medications, gout treatments, blood pressure medications, arthritis pills, and depression medications can cause hair loss or growth problems. If hair loss or thinning is a side effect you have noticed, inform your doctor and discuss a possible change in prescription.
  13. Get checked for a scalp infection. Scalp infections, such as ringworm, can infect the skin and hair on your scalp and slow or prevent healthy hair growth.
  14. Avoid highly restrictive diets unless advised by a physician. Eating disorders, restrictive fad diets, crash diets, fasting, and certain nutrition-related illnesses can cause slow hair growth and even hair loss. If your nutrition is sub-optimal due to any of these conditions, discuss proper nutrition with a physician or dietitian before beginning hair growth regimens.
  15. Style your hair in moderation. Hair may begin to grow more slowly or may even fall out more frequently when certain styling techniques are used, making hair appear to grow more slowly overall. Frequently styling and cleaning your hair in harsh ways may cause hair loss, thinning, or damage.Although occasional use of the following techniques may not cause problems, repeated use of or the regular combination of multiple techniques below may exacerbate damage. In most cases, this damage is reversible, but because hair grows slowly it will take time to restore your hair's natural health if you regularly used these styling methods.
  16. Avoid perming, crimping, chemically or mechanically straightening, curling, and bleaching or repeatedly coloring hair. These treatments can weaken hair strands and stress hair follicles, leading to increased hair breakage and even hair loss. Hot styling tools can cause damage very quickly, so air dry or manually style hair whenever possible.
  17. Brush or comb hair no more than twice per day. Excessive or improper brushing and combing can pull hair out prematurely, preventing quick and natural gains in hair length that gentler or less frequent brushing may allow.
  18. Do not use rubber bands to hold hair back or to style hair. The rubber can snag the hair and cause it to break or dislodge at the root.
  19. Avoid hairstyles that pull hair tightly, such as cornrows and tight ponytails. These styles can put stress on the hair follicle and damage or break your hair at the root or further down the strand. Ask your hairdresser for alternate style options that will reduce the pull on your roots, minimize the need for hair treatments and hot styling tools, and reduce opportunities for hair breakage.
  20. Choose hair products carefully and follow proper hair hygiene. Keeping hair clean and healthy allows your hair to continue growing and reduces breakage and loss.
  21. Trim your hair. Regularly trimming hair to remove split ends (at most every 10 to 12 weeks) can help prevent split hairs from traveling further up the strand, weakening the hair and making it prone to breakage. Trimming hair does not promote faster growth, but may help prevent hair damage that can lead to the appearance of slower or less healthy hair growth.
  22. Use a volumizer to make sure that you're getting the most out of your hair when you go out.


  • When hair is healthy, about 90% of it is growing at any given time, while the other 10% is resting. After a few months of resting, healthy hair naturally falls out to make room for new hair. When new growth begins, healthy hair will grow about half an inch per month.
  • Consider wearing a wig if you are undergoing treatment for cancer.

    • Chemotherapy can cause hair loss or significant changes in hair growth for cancer patients. Radiation therapy can also damage hair, although most patients find that hair growth returns to normal shortly after treatment finishes.
    • If you have lost your hair due to these medical treatments, you may be able to select a realistic and personalized wig to wear (often free of cost) while your hair grows back. If your hair does not begin growing soon after treatment ends, discuss potential options for hair growth treatments with your healthcare provider.
  • Homemade topical treatment recipes can help strengthen and moisturize hair to prevent breakage. Overuse may cause damage or build-up, however, so be sure to continue using clarifying shampoos and let hair rest several days between treatments.
  • Do not dye your hair! Every time you do this it dries out your hair and strips the natural elements that make it soft and smooth. This will cause your hair to be tough.
  • Protection for the hair also means protecting it from too much rain or too much sun. Many people are ignorant of the fact that even the elements can severely affect the hair. Too much or too little exposure to the sun can be harmful while a good amount of the sun lightens up the hair. It is important to balance the two.
  • Regularly trimming hair is a good way to achieve good looks and also good hair health. It is a good way to rejuvenate the hair by frequently getting rid of the dead ends of the hair. Regularly trimming hair also ensures that hair grows well and it grows quickly.
  • It is important to know what the type of hair that you have is. It is important to know when the hair is too dry or too oily. it is easy to not know what type of hair you have and end up using the wrong hair care products that can damage the hair permanently

Short hair styles

Short hair styles

Now I have pretty long hair and I love it, It is pretty much my comfort blanket. Today while I was reading the news I noticed that they said that " Short Hair styles"  were coming back into style now my thing is I cut my hair a couple of years ago and it was to about my chin and not it is super long and half way touching my bum. But the question I always asked my self when I had short hair was " What or how can I style it?"

A good bit of the time all I did for my hair when it was that short was straightening it, once I did curl it and it looked really cute as you can see in the picture below.

As you can see the curls were worn very loose and just a good look and natural looking. Also during this time I went through a bit of a pin-up loving phase and I still love pin-up. but with that amount of hair at I was not able to do a full on pin-up look so I came up with ways to get that look that I wanted. Once again you can see that below.

As you can see in this picture my hair looks as if it is long and very think. I have pretty thick hair already but, just so I could get this look I had to do a lot of teasing and curling. I starting out by curling my hair with hot rollers then I sprayed the hell out of it with hair spray and teases it a lot at the roots. Once I did all that I pulled it back and put it into a bun. It was an elegant look and perfect for a night out but lol with that shirt I was wearing I am not going any where but my room. haha!

A lot of time that I had my hair this short ( actually I worn it this way all the time) and this was also this first time in a very long time that I had side bangs for a while I had this very annoying side sweep that simply didn't look very good on my.

totally love this it is super cute and edgy.

I love Rihanna's style and this hair cut really fit here, and her " umbrella ella ella" days. 
ah I love the " pixie" cut. the people that can rock this look are so lucky!
Well ladies and gents, I enjoyed writing this blog I hope you enjoyed reading! Please be sure to share and comment what you think, and check back with my next week to see what kind of things I post :) and of course big thanks to everyone that reads my blog it really means a lot to me!

Trendy new hair style

trendy new hair style

Short Hairstyle

Short Hairstyle 

This autumn it is time to go short. And no we are not talking about the skirts at all! Leave aside the skirts or the hemline of the dresses, this autumn it is time to sport a short yet stunning hairstyle.
Yes, short looks are back again. And if you are one of those fashion conscious divas, it is high time that you visit your hairstylist and get yourself a short yet a sleek look.
It is well established that changing the hairstyle is one of the greatest way to get an image makeover. Be it showing off a new wardrobe or highlighting your weight loss, getting a real short hairstyle will surely set it off by adding a new verve and vibrancy to your look.
Short show off hairstyles can give you a fresh modern look that will never go out of style, and at the same time, will also be more manageable, and a breeze to style. In show off short hairstyles, you have a lot to choose from. Be it the Alyssa Milano's cropped pixie cut or the new Winona Ryder bob hairstyle, you can really experiment a lot with your hair by cutting it real short.
The trend that is in this season is short hair with layered look. If you want to have that textured look in your hair, just add some hair gel or styling cream to damp the hair, and then blow dry while tousling your hair with your fingers. In fact, one of the best things about having short hair is the fact that it is easy to maintain. So if you are one of those jet setting corporate executives, who despite her hectic schedule is still fashion conscious and worried about her looks, then a short but sleek hairstyle is the best for you. You can also cut down your hair with razor, as it will allow your hair lots of movement and sleek styling options.

Short Hairstyle

Short Hairstyle

Short Hairstyle

Short Hairstyle

Short Hairstyle

Short Hairstyle

Short Hairstyle

Short Hairstyle